Photo by Kyle Hale

Photo by Kyle Hale



¡Hola! I'm a bilingual multimedia journalist with a passion for multimedia production and writing. I'm always curious. 

My reporting has ranged from science and technology to women’s rights and underrepresented communities, all beats that I love.

My work has taken me to exciting places such as Antarctica, Alaska and several countries in South America. I've worked with amazing teams in different media outlets in the United States and Uruguay - writing, shooting, producing and editing video; putting together multimedia packages and presenting stories on camera.

My home country is Uruguay and my adoptive home is in Maryland. I currently work at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center as a Senior Science Writer, Editor of Ciencia, and lead producer and host of the podcast Universo curioso de la NASA. I recently published my first children’s book: Glow, a child’s guide to the night sky.